Nothing is ever solved, changed, or created by doing nothing or by standing still.
Movement is the basis of the Universe. We are all energy beings, and energy is creative when it is moving.
So start moving, don't stand still. Don't wait. Don't sit on the fence, unsure about which side to go towards.
Put your foot down on one side or the other, swing the opposite leg over and start walking.
You'll know before you take ten steps if you're going in the right direction.
If you're not, simply turn back and go to the other side, this time certain that the other direction is correct.
At least movement helped to clarify that, helped you to grow.
Not to decide is to decide. Don't make choices by default, when you have the choice of being empowered.
What is the purpose of your life?
Is it simply to go through each day doing what needs to be done, and starting all over the next day?
Do you sometimes wonder if you're missing the point? Do you feel that maybe you're stuck in the habit of
looking through a tunnel vision lens at yourself and your life, and missing the bigger picture?
Do you ask yourself what the difference is between doing and being? Why are we referred to as
Human beings and not Human doings? Maybe because our main and big purpose lies in who and what
we are being, and not what we are doing?
What are you being while you are doing everything that needs to be done?
Are you being grateful for everything that you are and becoming?
Are you being humble and helpful and compassionate while you do things through your day?
Are you being one with the creator, believing that everything that you are doing right now is meant to be
taking you closer to your purpose?
It is nice to let someone who admits an error feel better after doing so...not feel worse.
If someone comes to you with an apology, or even just a small "oops...", think about what you could say to help them feel better about their lapse, rather than telling them that they probably don't even mean it, and all the ways in which they inconvenienced you, or made you look bad, or hurt you.
Why? Because you will hope for the same grace from some one, on a day not too far off in the future ...
Life offers us an amazing opportunity in every single moment to be and experience 'the best that we can be'.
At every instant we have a choice to act out of fear (ego) or out of love.
As many times as possible, remind yourself to act or react in a way that exudes love and respect for yourself and the other person. Even if you can only manage to do this once out of ten times, praise yourself for being open to growth and learning new ways of doing things, so that you can have a choice, where earlier you didn't.
Very soon, due to the immense peace that comes from being in touch with love and positivity within yourself and sharing it with others, you will not need to remind yourself any longer to
choose this state of being rather than the ego and fear based state.
Whatever you are thinking, whether its something that makes you feel good or bad, just let it flow through you easily.
If it's a good feeling, be grateful for it, enjoy it, and allow it to flow through you gracefully. There is no need to make a big deal out of it, trying to hold onto it, afraid that after good, there must be something not so good on the way. Or thinking that you need to make the most of it, hence focusing your attention on making it better, and by default making a perfectly good moment, not good enough.
If its a feeling that's not so good, again, let it flow through you, don't fight it, because when you fight something, try to resist it, that thing becomes larger than life, it persists, and takes control of you. Just allow it to flow through you gracefully,
and you will realize that its just a tiny attempt of the ego to get your attention, and when it doesn't get the usual big reaction,
it just quietly settles down and fades away. Leaving you free to think thoughts that bring about good feelings :)
Why is it so difficult for us to forgive others? Why do we find it so hard to let go?
Sometimes, even years after a certain incident; sometimes, even after they have apologized;
sometimes, when they have hurt you unknowingly and have no idea that you are struggling to forgive them.
Why? Because we are usually under the misconception that we will be doing them a favor by forgiving them.
That in fact, is not the case. When we forgive someone, we actually do ourselves a huge favor because through forgiveness, we release all the negative thoughts, emotions and energies that we are so desperately holding onto in our anger.
Replaying the moment again and again in our mind, torturing ourselves in so many ways.
It hurts us more than them, when we dont forgive.
We find it hard to forgive because we think we are in the more powerful position when we hold back forgiveness.
Actually we are the weak ones, if that's the kind of power we rely on to give us strength.
We are also not able to forgive because we take everything so personally.
Not everything another person does is done with the concious intention of hurting you.
Sometimes they are just trying to protect themselves and that's the best they way they know how to protect themselves.
Haven't you heard of the saying 'the best defence is offense'? We need to give allowance to others for their insecurities
and their imperfections without taking things personally.
So even if you do it for the most selfish of reasons, go ahead and forgive.
First, forgive yourself for holding onto the grudge for as long as you did.
Then, forgive the other person.
Finally, be proud of yourself.
If it seems like you are losing something or someone right now, don't be fooled.
This is simply a situation designed for you to gain yourself back. Don't fight so hard. Let it go. Release it. If it was not supposed to be removing itself from you now, it would not be doing so.
It will never return to you in the same exact form, and it is not intended to. If it returns at all, it will be in a higher form, and so will you, to receive it.
That is the purpose of its leaving. Everything in the universe only improves itself. Sometimes we need to break away from our comfort zones in order to get a fresh perspective and a fresh start. Its called evolution. Trust it. Allow it. Support it. Celebrate it.
Whatever it is that you are looking for from others, give it to yourself first from within, and then it naturally flows in from outside of you.
If you wish to have the respect, faith, trust, love of others, start feeling it for yourself, and when you truly have unconditional love, respect,trust and faith in yourself, others will start feeling and expressing it too, because you will be sending subtle messages to your environment that 'I am loved...I am respected..I can be trusted..'.
If you have trouble feeling these emotions for yourself, you will understand the reasons that stop others from having them as well, and this will be the answer to 'why don't I get love/trust/respect from others?'
Happiness is the decision we must make. Some people are chronic sufferers, the victims, the 'poor me' group. Others are the bubbly, strong spirited people, no matter what you cant break their spirit. You may look at them and say 'they’re delusional, and this will only end up disillusioning them'. But they will tell you 'even if good luck hit you on the head, you wouldn’t know it because you’re so bogged down with your sob story!'.
Each of us has a responsibility of how we interpret our experiences. One person can have an experience and say life is pretty good, and another can have that exact same experience and say that wasn’t good enough.
So the idea is, when you take what you have, affirm it, make the most of it, and are grateful for it, you are expanding the goodness of the condition, expanding the potential of it. When we look at a situation, or our life or ourselves, and say this is not good, its bad, not good enough, what happens is that every bit of good that it could present to us, is then wasted and falls away, because basically we are damning rather than blessing the situation.
Look at your life, and say this is perfect, thank you. It is either perfect in that it is good and your opportunity is to enjoy it, by being grateful for it. Or it is perfect in that it is a perfect lesson for you, so rather than damning the situation, bless whatever situation you are in, remember that you have brought it towards yourself to learn something, so be thankful for the opportunity to grow and learn and evolve. As soon as you stop fighting it and change your perception of it, the situation improves miraculously.
"It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference." ~ Tom Brokaw.
Do you agree with this idea? Is it really easier to keep doing, day after day, something you're not happy doing,just because you make money out of it?
Who would you rather be? Someone who is enjoying making a life, or the one merely making a living?
Who told you that the things you truly enjoy doing will not make you money?
What made you decide to trust them rather than your own intuition?
Was it the idea of 'that's why its called WORK, its not supposed to be fun'? And did you fall for that?
Even after seeing and envying those who actually enjoy what they do and thrive financially as well?
If they can do it, so can you. They started, they persevered, they went against the grain, at seemingly the worst of times.
Yet they believed in and enjoyed what they did so much that they excelled in it, and when that happened, money just flowed in, easily and gracefully, as if drawn by a magnetic force. When we are happy with our work, which takes up the majority of our day, then we are emitting vibrations of being in harmony with our environment and feeling fulfilled, and this frequency attracts more experiences that are full of harmony and fulfillment. Needless to say, money follows not far behind.
So move toward your passion. Express through your daily work and your daily activities what it is that lights up your soul.
Do not believe those who say that you cannot or should not do this. Do it anyway. No, really. Do it anyway.
Love is sometimes shown in the things you DON'T point out, DON'T keep track of, and DON'T make a person feel bad about.
The greatest kindness is often shown in letting things go. None of us is perfect, but we can all be close-to-perfect by allowing
those that we love to be imperfect, be themselves, be UNlike ourselves, without making them feel guilty or uncomfortable about it.
Give those around you the break that you hope they will give you on your own "bad day" or lapse of judgement.
This attitude will take you away from the intention of 'let's see who's right, stronger, more in control right now' to 'let's make this relationship the best it can be' - which is very different than trying to make it the 'best as compared to other relationships around us', because each relationship is extremely different, and to expect yours to be a certain way, or give you certain things is to instantly put it unreasonable demands on it.
Treat each relationship that's important to you as a unique being, and make a commitment to make the relationship the best it can be, without competing with the other person about who is the 'best' amongst you both.
Progress is not measured through time, it is measured through results. Do not wonder why things are "taking so long." In fact, everything is rolling out exactly as it needs to, using not a minute more than Perfection requires.
During this waiting period, instead of getting frustrated, disheartened and disillusioned; be on the lookout for the learning that needs to be accepted by you, in order to release you from this situation. When we are curious & searching actively for our learning from a 'negative' situation, we put ourselves in a more empowered position, and leave the
role of the victim behind.
This in itself makes the situation much more positive for us to experience, and we get through it with more ease and grace, than we would have if we were focusing all our energies on being a victim, blaming others & life, and wondering "what have I done to deserve this?" What you have actually done is attract a learning opportunity to yourself, all you need to do is remind yourself of this very important point. Once you remember this, it is quite easy to open yourself upto
accepting the learning with gratitude, and move on to more positive experiences.
So rest easy and be at peace with all situations in your reality. Life is working its magic even as you take your very next breath.
The quality of one's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence."~ Vince Lombardi
Are you committed to excellence in everything you think, and say, and do? Yes, it is about thoughts and words too,not just about actions.
Do your thoughts and words reflect your unceasing desire to be the best that you can be in every single situation you encounter? How about your actions? Do you strive to be your best out of love and pride for yourself, so it is reflected as self motivation, quiet confidence, and strength of character? Or do try to be your best due to fear of not being good enough, or out of the need to get something out of it, like admiration, acceptance, a promotion, the upper hand?
Think about it...start watching on your commitment to excellence, and work on making it come out of love rather than fear.
You will feel the difference right away, as your energies move from fear to love, being your best will become fun, fulfilling and a way of life.
There is a solution to every problem.
Nothing is insolvable. Nothing. Do everything that you
can to avoid the temptation of thinking that what is
facing you now is insurmountable. That is simply not true.
You cannot see the solution, of course, if you are
convinced it is not there. So you must have great faith
in life. Do you have great faith in life? Now would be a
good time to show it. Smile. Relax. It'll all be okay.
Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it. Horace said that, and he was right. During this time of adversity and financial 'meltdown,' your genius will be revealed--as will that of all humankind. We will find that there is another way to live other than 'dog eat dog,' and another worthy goal other than 'bigger, better, more.'
See this time, then, as a challenge to your ingenuity and an invitation from life to rediscover what is truly important: love, family, friends, and...the journey of the soul.
The mere apprehension of a coming evil has put many into a situation of the utmost danger. F.L. Lucan said that, and it is right.
There is no faster way to bring about misfortune than to think it is coming. Thought is a powerful force, and it is a creative tool that many people pay little attention to.
What are you worried about today? Why? Rather than worry about it, would it not be a better use of your mental time to visualize a positive outcome? Use your mind in this way today and you will have tapped one of the most extraordinary tools that have placed in your hand for the creation of your tomorrows.
Change is the natural order of things and not something that you benefit from resisting. We live in a time of enormous upheaval on a global scale, and more and more people are seeing huge changes in their personal lives as well. It is the nature of the world in which we live.
Move with grace in the face of these changes, for every change, especially the one that seems the most difficult,brings you an incredible opportunity for growth.
Breathe, relax, and face all changes with a smile, and know with confidence things will all work out perfectly.
It is only This Moment that counts, This Moment that matters. Dwelling on anything else is pointless. Yesterday is gone, if not forgotten, and tomorrow is not yet here, so why waste precious time and mental energy focused on either?
What is going on right now? That is the question. And what can you do Right Now to make Now better? Make each Now better and the future will take care of itself, while the past will not matter.
You are not your 'story.' Who You Are is so much bigger than that. It's okay to give up your past now.
Most of us have a story about how we got to be the way we are, about what it's like to be 'us,' and about why it is so difficult sometimes to get through life.
We knowingly and/or unknowingly use this as an excuse to not be the best we can be, allowing the shackles of our story to hold us back.
All of this stuff has nothing to do with who we are now. How often does your 'story' influence you when you experience life? Are you ready to let go of that now? What if you could create 'you' the way you want to be, and are ready to be, deserve to be; regardless of your past? Wouldn't that be great? Well, you can.
All you have to do is let go of your story.
Waiting to see what happens is not a very good way to make decisions. Not to decide is to decide. What are you deciding right now by not deciding?
What are you choosing by failing to choose? Is this how you want to live your life: by default?
It's time you made a decision.
Ensure that you make the decision from the platform of love, rather than fear. Love for yourself, for life and others, so that the decision is for your highest good. Not out of a fear-based motivation, as it will only produce results that are painful.
Go ahead, its time..take a leap of faith.
No one does anything they do not want to do.
You always have a reason - and usually, a pretty good one - for doing what you are doing and choosing what you are choosing.
Be careful not to convince yourself that you are doing something against your will. Such a thing is impossible.
Therefore, be honest with yourself about why you are choosing to do a particular thing. Then, do it gladly, knowing that you are always getting to do what you want. The statement "I have no choice" is a lie. You can choose. You simply do not prefer the alternatives available to you, for whatever reason. So you select the outcome that you most prefer.
Isn't that power?
"Life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy" - Florence Scovel Shinn.
So before you think, do, or say anything -- imagine what it would be like to receive what you are sending. Then, go one step further. Decide ahead of time what you would like to receive...and then send it.
If you want to be loved, be loving to people around you, if you want to be respected, show respect to those around you, not only the ones who are easy to love and respect but even those are quite difficult too.
Whatever you would like to experience, make that happen in the life of another.. and the magic.
Why do we wait for new year to make changes in our lives?
Promise ourselves that this year I will do this or not do that?
What is it about this change in date that impacts us so much?
Why do we treat it as a complete new beginning,
thinking that everything from the year before is wiped out and we have been given a fresh start?
Why do we wait to see how the year will turn out for us?
Why do we send wishes to everyone hoping that the year brings them great things?
Why can we not treat every single day as new years day?
Why can we not start each day with the desire and intention to have the best day ever and be the best that we can be?
Why not give it a shot?
Challenges are what we came here for. To learn and grow through them.
And we never choose a challenge that we cannot overcome.
The purpose of life is to give us a chance to be the grandest and most empowered version of the greatest vision of who we are.
When challenges arrive, move straight to clarity: 'This is what I came here for. I have asked for and chosen this challenge so that i can discover my most empowered potential.'
Rise to the occasion and to the challenge, knowing without a doubt that you have every resource with which to create the grandest and perfect outcome.
For once, instead of focusing on and fretting about what you can change, need to change, have to change...
How about taking a deep breath and asking yourself : What is perfect right now? What do I need to retain as is? What do have to have as it is right now?...
When you get your answer, focus on those things, people, situations and feelings, and send heartfelt gratitude for them, and allow yourself to be in peace with the here and now.
It is the neglect of timely repair that makes rebuilding necessary - Richard Whately.
Take a look today at what you need to repair. Who has been hurt by you...or ignored?
Don't get into a lot of guilt around this -- just repair it.
The best gift we can give ourselves is to live life with integrity.
Be true to yourself, rather doing things and being things in order to make others happy, and to prove a point to yourself and to others.
If you are doing things because you think they will make others love, admire, respect you, then you will feel burdened, heavy and purposeless, never happy even after achieving what you set out to. You will always find yourself relying on others
to validate you and make you feel good for doing all that you have done, and if they don't you will feel angry and betrayed.
When you are being true to yourself, kind to yourself, making sure that you are completely at peace with yourself, doing things that truly make you happy, not waiting for appreciation, support and validation from others, then you feel truly light and aligned with the universe.
Movement is the basis of the Universe. We are all energy beings, and energy is creative when it is moving.
So start moving, don't stand still. Don't wait. Don't sit on the fence, unsure about which side to go towards.
Put your foot down on one side or the other, swing the opposite leg over and start walking.
You'll know before you take ten steps if you're going in the right direction.
If you're not, simply turn back and go to the other side, this time certain that the other direction is correct.
At least movement helped to clarify that, helped you to grow.
Not to decide is to decide. Don't make choices by default, when you have the choice of being empowered.
What is the purpose of your life?
Is it simply to go through each day doing what needs to be done, and starting all over the next day?
Do you sometimes wonder if you're missing the point? Do you feel that maybe you're stuck in the habit of
looking through a tunnel vision lens at yourself and your life, and missing the bigger picture?
Do you ask yourself what the difference is between doing and being? Why are we referred to as
Human beings and not Human doings? Maybe because our main and big purpose lies in who and what
we are being, and not what we are doing?
What are you being while you are doing everything that needs to be done?
Are you being grateful for everything that you are and becoming?
Are you being humble and helpful and compassionate while you do things through your day?
Are you being one with the creator, believing that everything that you are doing right now is meant to be
taking you closer to your purpose?
It is nice to let someone who admits an error feel better after doing so...not feel worse.
If someone comes to you with an apology, or even just a small "oops...", think about what you could say to help them feel better about their lapse, rather than telling them that they probably don't even mean it, and all the ways in which they inconvenienced you, or made you look bad, or hurt you.
Why? Because you will hope for the same grace from some one, on a day not too far off in the future ...
Life offers us an amazing opportunity in every single moment to be and experience 'the best that we can be'.
At every instant we have a choice to act out of fear (ego) or out of love.
As many times as possible, remind yourself to act or react in a way that exudes love and respect for yourself and the other person. Even if you can only manage to do this once out of ten times, praise yourself for being open to growth and learning new ways of doing things, so that you can have a choice, where earlier you didn't.
Very soon, due to the immense peace that comes from being in touch with love and positivity within yourself and sharing it with others, you will not need to remind yourself any longer to
choose this state of being rather than the ego and fear based state.
Whatever you are thinking, whether its something that makes you feel good or bad, just let it flow through you easily.
If it's a good feeling, be grateful for it, enjoy it, and allow it to flow through you gracefully. There is no need to make a big deal out of it, trying to hold onto it, afraid that after good, there must be something not so good on the way. Or thinking that you need to make the most of it, hence focusing your attention on making it better, and by default making a perfectly good moment, not good enough.
If its a feeling that's not so good, again, let it flow through you, don't fight it, because when you fight something, try to resist it, that thing becomes larger than life, it persists, and takes control of you. Just allow it to flow through you gracefully,
and you will realize that its just a tiny attempt of the ego to get your attention, and when it doesn't get the usual big reaction,
it just quietly settles down and fades away. Leaving you free to think thoughts that bring about good feelings :)
Why is it so difficult for us to forgive others? Why do we find it so hard to let go?
Sometimes, even years after a certain incident; sometimes, even after they have apologized;
sometimes, when they have hurt you unknowingly and have no idea that you are struggling to forgive them.
Why? Because we are usually under the misconception that we will be doing them a favor by forgiving them.
That in fact, is not the case. When we forgive someone, we actually do ourselves a huge favor because through forgiveness, we release all the negative thoughts, emotions and energies that we are so desperately holding onto in our anger.
Replaying the moment again and again in our mind, torturing ourselves in so many ways.
It hurts us more than them, when we dont forgive.
We find it hard to forgive because we think we are in the more powerful position when we hold back forgiveness.
Actually we are the weak ones, if that's the kind of power we rely on to give us strength.
We are also not able to forgive because we take everything so personally.
Not everything another person does is done with the concious intention of hurting you.
Sometimes they are just trying to protect themselves and that's the best they way they know how to protect themselves.
Haven't you heard of the saying 'the best defence is offense'? We need to give allowance to others for their insecurities
and their imperfections without taking things personally.
So even if you do it for the most selfish of reasons, go ahead and forgive.
First, forgive yourself for holding onto the grudge for as long as you did.
Then, forgive the other person.
Finally, be proud of yourself.
If it seems like you are losing something or someone right now, don't be fooled.
This is simply a situation designed for you to gain yourself back. Don't fight so hard. Let it go. Release it. If it was not supposed to be removing itself from you now, it would not be doing so.
It will never return to you in the same exact form, and it is not intended to. If it returns at all, it will be in a higher form, and so will you, to receive it.
That is the purpose of its leaving. Everything in the universe only improves itself. Sometimes we need to break away from our comfort zones in order to get a fresh perspective and a fresh start. Its called evolution. Trust it. Allow it. Support it. Celebrate it.
Whatever it is that you are looking for from others, give it to yourself first from within, and then it naturally flows in from outside of you.
If you wish to have the respect, faith, trust, love of others, start feeling it for yourself, and when you truly have unconditional love, respect,trust and faith in yourself, others will start feeling and expressing it too, because you will be sending subtle messages to your environment that 'I am loved...I am respected..I can be trusted..'.
If you have trouble feeling these emotions for yourself, you will understand the reasons that stop others from having them as well, and this will be the answer to 'why don't I get love/trust/respect from others?'
Happiness is the decision we must make. Some people are chronic sufferers, the victims, the 'poor me' group. Others are the bubbly, strong spirited people, no matter what you cant break their spirit. You may look at them and say 'they’re delusional, and this will only end up disillusioning them'. But they will tell you 'even if good luck hit you on the head, you wouldn’t know it because you’re so bogged down with your sob story!'.
Each of us has a responsibility of how we interpret our experiences. One person can have an experience and say life is pretty good, and another can have that exact same experience and say that wasn’t good enough.
So the idea is, when you take what you have, affirm it, make the most of it, and are grateful for it, you are expanding the goodness of the condition, expanding the potential of it. When we look at a situation, or our life or ourselves, and say this is not good, its bad, not good enough, what happens is that every bit of good that it could present to us, is then wasted and falls away, because basically we are damning rather than blessing the situation.
Look at your life, and say this is perfect, thank you. It is either perfect in that it is good and your opportunity is to enjoy it, by being grateful for it. Or it is perfect in that it is a perfect lesson for you, so rather than damning the situation, bless whatever situation you are in, remember that you have brought it towards yourself to learn something, so be thankful for the opportunity to grow and learn and evolve. As soon as you stop fighting it and change your perception of it, the situation improves miraculously.
"It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference." ~ Tom Brokaw.
Do you agree with this idea? Is it really easier to keep doing, day after day, something you're not happy doing,just because you make money out of it?
Who would you rather be? Someone who is enjoying making a life, or the one merely making a living?
Who told you that the things you truly enjoy doing will not make you money?
What made you decide to trust them rather than your own intuition?
Was it the idea of 'that's why its called WORK, its not supposed to be fun'? And did you fall for that?
Even after seeing and envying those who actually enjoy what they do and thrive financially as well?
If they can do it, so can you. They started, they persevered, they went against the grain, at seemingly the worst of times.
Yet they believed in and enjoyed what they did so much that they excelled in it, and when that happened, money just flowed in, easily and gracefully, as if drawn by a magnetic force. When we are happy with our work, which takes up the majority of our day, then we are emitting vibrations of being in harmony with our environment and feeling fulfilled, and this frequency attracts more experiences that are full of harmony and fulfillment. Needless to say, money follows not far behind.
So move toward your passion. Express through your daily work and your daily activities what it is that lights up your soul.
Do not believe those who say that you cannot or should not do this. Do it anyway. No, really. Do it anyway.
Love is sometimes shown in the things you DON'T point out, DON'T keep track of, and DON'T make a person feel bad about.
The greatest kindness is often shown in letting things go. None of us is perfect, but we can all be close-to-perfect by allowing
those that we love to be imperfect, be themselves, be UNlike ourselves, without making them feel guilty or uncomfortable about it.
Give those around you the break that you hope they will give you on your own "bad day" or lapse of judgement.
This attitude will take you away from the intention of 'let's see who's right, stronger, more in control right now' to 'let's make this relationship the best it can be' - which is very different than trying to make it the 'best as compared to other relationships around us', because each relationship is extremely different, and to expect yours to be a certain way, or give you certain things is to instantly put it unreasonable demands on it.
Treat each relationship that's important to you as a unique being, and make a commitment to make the relationship the best it can be, without competing with the other person about who is the 'best' amongst you both.
Progress is not measured through time, it is measured through results. Do not wonder why things are "taking so long." In fact, everything is rolling out exactly as it needs to, using not a minute more than Perfection requires.
During this waiting period, instead of getting frustrated, disheartened and disillusioned; be on the lookout for the learning that needs to be accepted by you, in order to release you from this situation. When we are curious & searching actively for our learning from a 'negative' situation, we put ourselves in a more empowered position, and leave the
role of the victim behind.
This in itself makes the situation much more positive for us to experience, and we get through it with more ease and grace, than we would have if we were focusing all our energies on being a victim, blaming others & life, and wondering "what have I done to deserve this?" What you have actually done is attract a learning opportunity to yourself, all you need to do is remind yourself of this very important point. Once you remember this, it is quite easy to open yourself upto
accepting the learning with gratitude, and move on to more positive experiences.
So rest easy and be at peace with all situations in your reality. Life is working its magic even as you take your very next breath.
The quality of one's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence."~ Vince Lombardi
Are you committed to excellence in everything you think, and say, and do? Yes, it is about thoughts and words too,not just about actions.
Do your thoughts and words reflect your unceasing desire to be the best that you can be in every single situation you encounter? How about your actions? Do you strive to be your best out of love and pride for yourself, so it is reflected as self motivation, quiet confidence, and strength of character? Or do try to be your best due to fear of not being good enough, or out of the need to get something out of it, like admiration, acceptance, a promotion, the upper hand?
Think about it...start watching on your commitment to excellence, and work on making it come out of love rather than fear.
You will feel the difference right away, as your energies move from fear to love, being your best will become fun, fulfilling and a way of life.
There is a solution to every problem.
Nothing is insolvable. Nothing. Do everything that you
can to avoid the temptation of thinking that what is
facing you now is insurmountable. That is simply not true.
You cannot see the solution, of course, if you are
convinced it is not there. So you must have great faith
in life. Do you have great faith in life? Now would be a
good time to show it. Smile. Relax. It'll all be okay.
Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it. Horace said that, and he was right. During this time of adversity and financial 'meltdown,' your genius will be revealed--as will that of all humankind. We will find that there is another way to live other than 'dog eat dog,' and another worthy goal other than 'bigger, better, more.'
See this time, then, as a challenge to your ingenuity and an invitation from life to rediscover what is truly important: love, family, friends, and...the journey of the soul.
The mere apprehension of a coming evil has put many into a situation of the utmost danger. F.L. Lucan said that, and it is right.
There is no faster way to bring about misfortune than to think it is coming. Thought is a powerful force, and it is a creative tool that many people pay little attention to.
What are you worried about today? Why? Rather than worry about it, would it not be a better use of your mental time to visualize a positive outcome? Use your mind in this way today and you will have tapped one of the most extraordinary tools that have placed in your hand for the creation of your tomorrows.
Change is the natural order of things and not something that you benefit from resisting. We live in a time of enormous upheaval on a global scale, and more and more people are seeing huge changes in their personal lives as well. It is the nature of the world in which we live.
Move with grace in the face of these changes, for every change, especially the one that seems the most difficult,brings you an incredible opportunity for growth.
Breathe, relax, and face all changes with a smile, and know with confidence things will all work out perfectly.
It is only This Moment that counts, This Moment that matters. Dwelling on anything else is pointless. Yesterday is gone, if not forgotten, and tomorrow is not yet here, so why waste precious time and mental energy focused on either?
What is going on right now? That is the question. And what can you do Right Now to make Now better? Make each Now better and the future will take care of itself, while the past will not matter.
You are not your 'story.' Who You Are is so much bigger than that. It's okay to give up your past now.
Most of us have a story about how we got to be the way we are, about what it's like to be 'us,' and about why it is so difficult sometimes to get through life.
We knowingly and/or unknowingly use this as an excuse to not be the best we can be, allowing the shackles of our story to hold us back.
All of this stuff has nothing to do with who we are now. How often does your 'story' influence you when you experience life? Are you ready to let go of that now? What if you could create 'you' the way you want to be, and are ready to be, deserve to be; regardless of your past? Wouldn't that be great? Well, you can.
All you have to do is let go of your story.
Waiting to see what happens is not a very good way to make decisions. Not to decide is to decide. What are you deciding right now by not deciding?
What are you choosing by failing to choose? Is this how you want to live your life: by default?
It's time you made a decision.
Ensure that you make the decision from the platform of love, rather than fear. Love for yourself, for life and others, so that the decision is for your highest good. Not out of a fear-based motivation, as it will only produce results that are painful.
Go ahead, its time..take a leap of faith.
No one does anything they do not want to do.
You always have a reason - and usually, a pretty good one - for doing what you are doing and choosing what you are choosing.
Be careful not to convince yourself that you are doing something against your will. Such a thing is impossible.
Therefore, be honest with yourself about why you are choosing to do a particular thing. Then, do it gladly, knowing that you are always getting to do what you want. The statement "I have no choice" is a lie. You can choose. You simply do not prefer the alternatives available to you, for whatever reason. So you select the outcome that you most prefer.
Isn't that power?
"Life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy" - Florence Scovel Shinn.
So before you think, do, or say anything -- imagine what it would be like to receive what you are sending. Then, go one step further. Decide ahead of time what you would like to receive...and then send it.
If you want to be loved, be loving to people around you, if you want to be respected, show respect to those around you, not only the ones who are easy to love and respect but even those are quite difficult too.
Whatever you would like to experience, make that happen in the life of another.. and the magic.
Why do we wait for new year to make changes in our lives?
Promise ourselves that this year I will do this or not do that?
What is it about this change in date that impacts us so much?
Why do we treat it as a complete new beginning,
thinking that everything from the year before is wiped out and we have been given a fresh start?
Why do we wait to see how the year will turn out for us?
Why do we send wishes to everyone hoping that the year brings them great things?
Why can we not treat every single day as new years day?
Why can we not start each day with the desire and intention to have the best day ever and be the best that we can be?
Why not give it a shot?
Challenges are what we came here for. To learn and grow through them.
And we never choose a challenge that we cannot overcome.
The purpose of life is to give us a chance to be the grandest and most empowered version of the greatest vision of who we are.
When challenges arrive, move straight to clarity: 'This is what I came here for. I have asked for and chosen this challenge so that i can discover my most empowered potential.'
Rise to the occasion and to the challenge, knowing without a doubt that you have every resource with which to create the grandest and perfect outcome.
For once, instead of focusing on and fretting about what you can change, need to change, have to change...
How about taking a deep breath and asking yourself : What is perfect right now? What do I need to retain as is? What do have to have as it is right now?...
When you get your answer, focus on those things, people, situations and feelings, and send heartfelt gratitude for them, and allow yourself to be in peace with the here and now.
It is the neglect of timely repair that makes rebuilding necessary - Richard Whately.
Take a look today at what you need to repair. Who has been hurt by you...or ignored?
Don't get into a lot of guilt around this -- just repair it.
The best gift we can give ourselves is to live life with integrity.
Be true to yourself, rather doing things and being things in order to make others happy, and to prove a point to yourself and to others.
If you are doing things because you think they will make others love, admire, respect you, then you will feel burdened, heavy and purposeless, never happy even after achieving what you set out to. You will always find yourself relying on others
to validate you and make you feel good for doing all that you have done, and if they don't you will feel angry and betrayed.
When you are being true to yourself, kind to yourself, making sure that you are completely at peace with yourself, doing things that truly make you happy, not waiting for appreciation, support and validation from others, then you feel truly light and aligned with the universe.